
Showing posts from February 4, 2018

Four Phrases to Say Less to Love Yourself More!

In college I was a member of like 5 different Track & Field teams. What can I say, I transferred schools a couple times lol. I was a thrower. I threw discus, hammer, and weight throw seriously but played around with the other "field" events.  Competing in Track & Field is probably one of the greatest memories I have of my "pre-sick" times. I can't remember  every track meet, but I can remember some like they were yesterday. I used to be very annoyed by how vivid my memories were, since throwing really isn't a thing for me anymore. But now I appreciate the fact I can remember at all. Track taught me so many things besides how to throw. During my senior year and final season as a collegiate athlete, my Coach and I were in Irvine, California for Conference Championships and I had just thrown a really far throw.... into No-Mans-land.  As I finished my final throw, it rocketed into the air, took a definite right turn, and flew right over ...

SEBNews: January Box Break Down | #SEBYOU18

Los Angeles, CA | 02.05.2018 SEB Staff  When was the last time you celebrated you? Spoonie Essentials Box members already know what tools we put in our 2018 welcome box to guide  along the journey to the happiest, healthiest, best life possible. But for those of you who aren't yet members our process of Self-Care Discovery begins with Celebrating YOU! This year we made the #SEBYou18 box the first box of the year to jump start your self-care with a bang! Really taking care of you means knowing its ok being true to yourself and honoring your needs and wants in life. It takes courage, and time! This month we've created a starter kit to get Spoonie Essentials Family Members in the swing of celebrating "TEAM YOU" and what we hope will be a life long practice of taking care of yourself in fun & different ways!  #SEBYou18 Features the very first official Spoonie Essentials Awareness Apparel T-shirt. These soft cotton blend shirts  in iconic black & white...

What Does #iAmVisible Even Mean?

The Signature hashtag for Spoonie Essentials Box was initially inspired by my desire to explain quickly what it felt like living with Chronic Illness. I always felt I had to add, "my illness is invisible, I'm not" in every conversation with doctors, counselors, friends or family. I knew it was challenging for people to understand that I was battling with things they could not see on the outside. The more pressing matter on my heart, was making sure that they understood that I was aware of the things I needed to do to "manage" my illness, but they were missing that I was a person too. I had feelings, I had a personality, I had a life outside of my illness. I was a person living with illness. Person, being the part everyone seemed to be missing. When I talked to members of the #SEBfamily I found that many of them experienced this too. So I felt like, we collectively and without words, all agreed that it was the best way to communicate that. But soon I sta...