Rebecca, Your Email Saved Me!
I got an email from a subscriber and I didn't know how to respond. I started. I stopped. I couldn't find the right words to express exactly what it meant to me. I sent a reply but the words weren't right, I needed more time, more words to explain to her how much her email was so much more than 'just an email'. I can't really explain it, but I owe it to her to try. So you know when you and your friend both get in a car to go somewhere and you only have one charger? You both check your phones to see what percent you each have? Their phone's at 5% and your phone is at 3%? But for some reason, they insist you use the charger first? That's what you did for me. Though you yourself are running low, you so graciously allowed me to charge first. That's love. Maybe that's the millennial in me talking, but that's like sacrificial lamb, lay on the grenade type love for my generation. It's taken me awhile but I got your email. And true st...