019: Conveniently Sick.
It has been said that I use my sickness to my advantage. While obviously these words cut a part of my soul I did not know words could penetrate. In hearing this I realized this person and others really don't fully understand the weight and depravity of such a notion. Nonetheless, it made me realize that there is a level of difficulty understanding invisible illness. Ironically it reminds me of the concept of faith, just because one does not see it, does not mean it is not there. The reality I face everyday isn't easily graspable because it is invisible. But the thing is, I am not invisible, I am not faceless and my illness is very real , even if I myself have trouble accepting this. In light of this, I am going to admit out loud what it is like for me to have a chronic invisible illness. I am going to try and explain the challenges that I face. I'm writing this down for you, and for me. Maybe in acknowledging what I endure, I am able to start 'cleaning out my clo...