015: Forever Young.
Some say it's genetics and others say it's lotion. Either way, I've always looked at least 5 years younger than the age on my birth certificate. I embrace natures mystery, essentially I've shaved a couple years off of my age every year because of it (lol). But this year, this year! I'm conflicted. You see, last year was supposed to be my last birthday. Last year on October 15, I spent my birthday in the activities room of my hospital floor. I was surrounded by close friends and family. In an air of somber happiness we laughed, we listened to music, we ate chicken wings, and chocolate covered strawberries. We celebrated my life. We celebrated my birthday for what we thought was the last time together. The fact that I am a day from my birthday, a year later is a miracle. When doctors told me I wouldn't, he told me I would. All I needed was the faith of a mustard seed. I was assigned that mountain to show others it could be moved. Somehow...