SEBNews: January Box Break Down | #SEBYOU18

Los Angeles, CA | 02.05.2018
SEB Staff 

When was the last time you celebrated you?

Spoonie Essentials Box members already know what tools we put in our 2018 welcome box to guide  along the journey to the happiest, healthiest, best life possible. But for those of you who aren't yet members our process of Self-Care Discovery begins with Celebrating YOU! This year we made the #SEBYou18 box the first box of the year to jump start your self-care with a bang! Really taking care of you means knowing its ok being true to yourself and honoring your needs and wants in life. It takes courage, and time! This month we've created a starter kit to get Spoonie Essentials Family Members in the swing of celebrating "TEAM YOU" and what we hope will be a life long practice of taking care of yourself in fun & different ways!

 #SEBYou18 Features the very first official Spoonie Essentials Awareness Apparel T-shirt. These soft cotton blend shirts  in iconic black & white were included in every #SEBYOU18 box before they were even available to purchase (Didn't get one? You can get your own here). In the Spoonie Essentials community, the #iAmVisible hashtag represents the validation in our illnesses being invisible but we are not! We made them white so you can personalize it however you like!

The #SEBYOU18 box calls on the ancient healing properties of Japan to capture a piece of your own inner bliss through nature, with a table top D.I.Y Zen Garden Therapy Kit. Included in the custom made garden therapy kit is: 1-mini glass terrarium, 1-bag of sand, 1-bag of multi-colored stones, and 1-bamboo stick. It is said the rock and stones help center, while drawing in the sand helps calm. Maybe it will be your new favorite self-care tool, who knows? Our goal is simply to introduce you to different, maybe even new, ways to take the best care of yourself possible. *We heard a few of them arrived broken, we apologize and hope you send us a message here if yours was as well*.

Keeping with the celebration of you, #SEBYou18 includes a fun twist on a classic Self-Care remedy:  All-Natural Animal Character spa facial mask. These cute yet skin nourishing helpful masks assist in taking care of your skin and taking care of you. Whether you have to be out and about or you're just hanging about at home taking a few minutes to pamper your skin, is taking time to pamper yourself. We couldn't resist the combination of cute and care for this celebrating you essential!

Taking care of you means being mindful of the things you put into your body, #SEBYOU18 has your snacks and smile covered with this month's DoTerra Sampler and healthy Brownie Bites. Did you know fluoride can be deadly? Nearly all mainstream toothpaste brands have the stuff in it. So we found an alternative that not only protects your teeth & keeps them white, the rest of the ingredients are dang there good for you. Do Terra, a famed essential oil brand, created the On-Guard product line to protect the body against the world's germs naturally, with exacts of oils from various herbs, plants, or seeds. Rest assured knowing your teeth are taken care of and so is your body with this one.

What in the 'snack' are we talking about "healthy brownie bite"? These all natural, non-gmo, gluten free brownies will hopefully be an introduction to a sweet treat that won't make you feel bad after eating it. Little do many of us realize, the things we eat, affect how we feel, and not just because of allergic reactions. Some foods simply promote different experiences for everyone. We hope this sweet treat makes you feel as good as it taste. Cheers to maybe feeling better 'treating yourself' with this one!

Have you ever thought to yourself "I just need like a minute to myself"? Taking a mental break from the every day responsibility of "Adulting" can help to find clarity, focus, and peace of mind. So we included a current popular chronic-illness community pass time: Adult Coloring Books! We even made sure that it is pocket sized for travel in case of (doctor) appointments or something, along with a full set of Adult Coloring Therapy Markers! Who can remember the last time they colored? Ha Ha right! Why not give it a try if it can help you be the happiest version of yourself possible right? Feel free to share any of your finished pages, the designs look fascinating!

The journey to discovering what is the best way to take care of you has just begun, we will be introducing you to all sorts of things this year, hopefully offering enough insight as too how all the different self-care products and exercises are intended to assist you, in hopes of helping you find that "thing" that leads to living your happiest, healthiest, best version of your life possible. Whether an article, a meme, a card, or a box gadget; our goal is to help every Chronic Illness Fighter love the skin their in and enjoy every second of their lives, for we all truly only live once!

Curious what was in past boxes? Click here to view more previous box themes and pictures!



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