#WellnessWednesday: 10 Things to Let Go to Live Your BEST Life!

Author: Britt Renee'

So we've noticed a lot of people talking about Self-care on social media and in magazines and stuff. 
All the fancy words and expensive products. We all know the key to living our best lives is taking the best possible care of ourselves.
Thing is, it is not just a one-size fits all when you're chronically ill.
What most healthy people and mainstream media types do not understand is when you're living with chronic illness, self care simply looks differently. 
We kind of live the life where we have to balance so many important things--like taking our medicines on time, doctor's appointments, knowing our dietary triggers and or allergies, work, school, or parenting--that taking care of ourselves sometimes gets pushed to last on the list, especially when it cost money. 
You  want to know how to make the rest of your life great for absolutely F..R..E..E?
Easy, you have to let go of the people, the attitudes, and the things that you can control that do not make you happy and do not add value to your life.
You can AND you will live your best life AND have a great 2018 by looking at your Self-care differently.
The most important aspect of Self-care is doing what is best for you. Living the life that is best for you. That can be anything from becoming a vegetarian to never wearing undergarments again in life. 
Do you, whatever that looks like, because I promise everyone else is taken.
Letting go is not easy, it will probably take you awhile to do. But recognize letting go is not accepting anyone's poor behavior, letting go is holding yourself accountable but not holding onto your mistakes forever, letting go just means you are accepting something has happened good or bad and being at peace with that fact; for no one else's sake but your own.


You don’t need permission from ANYONE to make 2018 great. Unless you are under the age of 18, in which that case you need to ask your parents! lol Just kidding. You don’t need the approval from others to ensure that your life goes down as being amazing. You simply need to let go of this story you’re telling yourself that it cannot be because you need anyone's permission to live your life the way you see fit. You don't like texting, don't. You don't have energy to argue, don't. Obviously I know you cannot control your chronic illness, but you can embrace the possibilities in front of you.


Some people are brought into our lives to simply be there for a short period of time while others are meant to be with us long term. In 2018, it’s important that you let go of those who no longer inspire you, push you forward, love on you, support you,and help you live your best life. So you can live your best life from 2018 forward. Let go of those who hold you down, reject your ideas and belittle your dreams. Go where the love is!


You may not have accomplished everything you wanted too in 2017, 2016, or hell any year yet but it’s time to let go. Let go of last year, the last 20 years. You made a mistake, we all do. Anyone who says they're perfect is full of it (or a politician..lol just kidding). It’s time to look forward at the possibilities and make a commitment to learning from those mistakes. You may have mistakenly pursued an idea not worth chasing. You may have emotionally invested in someone not worth it. Use this new year as a new opportunity to let go of these mistakes from the past once and for all.


From finances to health, struggles are a part of being human. If you don’t have struggles, it’s likely that you are indeed not human and ugh welcome to earth? Lol. No but sincerely, having struggles does not make you weak. Having struggles does not mean you aren't busting your ass trying to be happy, trying to take the best care of yourself possible, or trying to remain optimistic on your worst days. Just realize that struggles will continue in the New Year, and likely throughout your life, but don’t allow the biggest struggles of 2017 (of the past) to cloud your future. Your past does not determine your future, YOU DO!


If you spent a majority of 2017 around people and vibes that drained your energy with their negativity, not being supportive, having to constantly explain your illness and symptoms, or anything that you felt drained your time & energy that you can control, like people; LET GO OF THEM. If it takes too much energy dealing with someone,let go of them. This can be temporary or permanent but protect your light with your life. If they don't help you shine brighter, bye! #SorryNotSorry.


Were you disappointed in how you reacted in a certain situation? Were you disappointed in how you tackled a certain task? Were you disappointed in someone else? Were you disappointed in your health or a treatment plan? How about maybe being disappointed in yourself? Do yourself a huge favor and let go of these moments of disappointment and focus on the possibilities that the new year can bring you. That each new day can bring you, yesterday was yesterday.


From nights out with friends to birthday parties, it’s likely that there was something you missed that you regret. Living the Chronic Illness life will do that. You saw the photos on Facebook and Instagram or watched their snapchat and beat yourself up for not being able to go. Let go of that. In 2018, use these moments as a reminder to say yes when you can and be ok with saying no when you cannot. Remember, taking the best care of you is staying in when your body needs rest. Your health, your happiness, your life comes before an event my love. AND THERE WILL ALWAYS BE MORE EVENTS TO ATTEND, but you have to be alive and well to attend them. So do what you must to take care of you now, so maybe later you can attend!


Do you talk to you like you talk to your friends? Do you say nice things to cheer you up? How about congratulate yourself for a win (big or small)? If you don't, now is the perfect time to start. You are doing the best you can, give yourself a break. And a gentle hug! As #SEBfamily members we spread love as thick as peanut butter right? Well that first starts with spreading love to ourselves. 


Let go of the moments you did things or said things that you wish you could take back. The simple truth is you cannot, so instead use these moments as insight around how you can improve as a person. Learn from them, don't hold on to them. And this year try not to say or do things you don't mean, but if you do because we all make mistakes and sometimes "paingry" things are said, apologize and then move forward.


It’s time to let go of rejection. Whether it was a friend, coworker, potential partner or love interest – it’s time to let go of the rejection. It’s time to pick yourself up and move into 2018 with an open mind to all the amazing possibilities in your life. No is not never, and remember when 1 door closes it usually means there's another waiting to be opened.
Xo Britt


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