'Tis The Season to Spread Love!

Loma Linda, Ca | S.E.B Staff

Happy Holidays #SEBfamily, on Christmas day, Spoonie Essentials Box Owner Britt Renee' surprised all the patients and staff at Loma Linda University East Campus Hospital Inpatient Rehabilitation Center with Christmas gifts while visiting with each of them. According to LLUEC staff Britt spent her holidays with them back in 2015 during her stay as a patient, even throwing a floor wide birthday party on her birthday. Britt stayed at East Campus for 3 months when she had to re-learn to walk after a bought with rare disease Dress Syndrome left her to choose between living in a home or attending rehab to live on her own again.

Britt personally delivered "Hospital Staycation" tote bags filled with what she calls "items I wish I had while staying", like alcohol-free hand sanitizer, board games, refillable hygiene product bottles, antibacterial wipes, organic candy, Psi bands acupuncture esque anti-nausea wristlets, Uniqkool "Never give up, never surrender" magnets, fuzzy socks, natural lip balm, and Cattail Apothecary vegan lotion sticks.

Britt spent Christmas morning and afternoon visiting with patients, sharing stories of determination, and the power of a positive mental attitude. Dr. Ann, a lower lumbar compression survivor who attributes her husbands quick action with saving her life, has been staying at LLUEC for a few weeks; had also previously been an outstanding track and field athlete like Britt. They shared their belief in the managing your mindset to get you through the roughest days, the work ethic they developed as athletes continues to drive their fight against chronic illness.

Over 100 patients received gift bags because of the generous contributions of Spoonie Essentials Box Friend's and Family donations. If you would like to join Spoonie Essentials in spreading love all year long please donate at Paypal.Me/SpoonieEssentialsBox.

No matter the occasion, remember to always spread love as thick as peanut butter!


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